Our new house is lovely; spacious and cool with air conditioning in most rooms. It has tiled floors and a large patio at the front, which are typically adorned with lots of decorations in our street - so I am off to buy some plants later in the week to make our house feel less naked! We have got a modern big 3-piece suite from the stores so it is starting to appear more like a lived-in dwelling but it is going to be another 6 weeks or so before all the pictures, throws, rugs, lamps and nick-nacks arrive. We have truly been gypsies for a large portion of the year, just have to make sure the perks of overseas living make up for being without our comforts.
The climate at first inspection is gorgeous and warm. Not had much rain at all yet (and NO wind!). It did get a bit overpowering yesterday lunchtime when we were out and about but being very careful not to burn or overdo it. Mozzies of course are all over me any time I am out near sunset (the others blissfully unaffected of course). There are lots of white birds pecking about on the grass which may be ibises, and at tea time hornbills come to roost on the trees across from our patio. Have already seen a troop of monkeys when we went out the other day which was lovely. Not seen any snakes yet but I remain constantly on the alert (terrified).
People have been very kind, looking out for us, offering to lend things we need (including a car!). There are more people here than in the Falklands (obviously) but the community spirit seems equally strong.
Food-wise things are fine, we have had some very nice takeaways and started filling up the cupboards. The thing that seems to be most lacking is dairy produce so I am glad I spent 2 weeks in the UK eating deli items now!
Woozles is booked in to visit her new pre-school tomorrow and starts properly on Thursday so she is excited about that, even asking if she can have a sleep-over there!
Overall we are settling in well and I think we will be happy here. We went to the pool on base the other day and I saw a small boy playing with an ipad whilst in the water. I thought 'I've seen it all now'. More to follow soon...