Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A Summer Christmas

The events here began in early December with His Nibs' work functions, a bbq and a bash for the nippers. Despite it being more than a little windy and having to move the stalls inside (I had my debut as a face-painter!), the children's party was a really good event. Santa and reindeer arrived by Sea King helicopter after a dramatic fly-past which was an awesome sight for adults and little ones alike.

By the 25th the weather was actually cooler than the UK despite being the opposite season (12 degrees forecast on BBC for London and very rainy and cool here), still it didn't dampen our spirits and actually made it feel a bit more like Christmas is supposed to be, staying inside with a drink, curtains drawn and the lights twinkling.

A big effort was clearly made to get all our post here by plane and sea and so we began the 24th with a wardrobe full of goodies.

We had a party on Christmas Eve with lots of friends, colleagues and neighbours and plenty of food as well as a smidgen of mulled wine and punch a la Big Man. Hence we were unfortunately so tired [drunk] by the time the young lady's bedtime rolled around that although the stocking was positioned correctly, we may have overlooked Santa's snack and tipple. I just hope he won't hold a grudge for next year.

On Christmas Day, once the joint was in the oven, we scooted to the bar for drinks and nibbles and some bawdy games of pool.

On Boxing Day Grandma went home and we were left exhausted and needing to regroup before our summer holidays in South America!

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