Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Mount Howl-a-lot

We had been meaning for some time to make a trip to one of the battlefield sites around Stanley. Big Man climbed Mount Tumbledown before during one of his previous visits to the Falklands so he announced he would lead us expertly around the terrain. After deferring the expedition several times because of weather, general inertia and / or fuzzy heads, we finally decided this Sunday we shouldn't leave it any longer. The map showed Mount Harriet to be closer to the car park off the Stanley Road than Tumbledown or Longdon and with a small child to consider this clinched it. For quite a good description of some of the other places to see check out some of the pages on this blog: 52 degrees south

For May the weather was fairly mild and luckily wind-free. After a bumpy 30 minute Land Rover journey the madamoiselle was wrapped up like an onion and plopped into the backpack carrier. It was a lovely first three minutes climb. The peat felt springy under my walking boots, which hadn't seen action since October (shameful) and the views back down across the landscape were great. Compared to the wilds of Mt Usborne, this one was actually quite easily accessed, with a visible path and minimal boulders to scramble over. We reached the summit fairly quickly but with low lying cloud across the whole ridge of hills, we were now in one = cold and drizzly. We spotted a shelter with a few bits of war debris, looked at the memorial and then sat down out of the wind to get our butties and thermos out.

Then the wriggling started. She couldn't get comfy sitting down, it was cold, she was sliding down the rock. So we rapidly ate up and set off back. The monkey then proceeded to yell all the way back down to the Land Rover. And of course after 2 minutes driving with the heater on she promptly fell asleep. Another glorious family day out in the Falklands.

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