Monday, 23 July 2012

Burn, baby, burn

Feeling a little lighter today after the last few days mammoth clearing out exercise. On Friday I took a Land Rover full of cleaned and mended stuff to the Thrift Shop to sell and on Saturday we had a barbecue (which may have escalated into a bonfire in an old oil drum...) where we 'disappeared' woozles cardboard craft creations of the last 18 months which were not inconsiderable in size! So now we have got some breathing space in the house.

This week I have also finished the habitat survey of the base (mantra: 'nothing focuses the mind like a deadline'), which has taken over a year! I am giving a presentation on it to interested individuals here in September, which really is a chance to show off some of my favourite photos.

My next projects are a couple more mosaics and putting some of our photos on canvas, but deciding which to print is so difficult. How to choose! Here are pictures of my union flag mosaic made in the spirit of the jubilee this year and a family portrait taken by a photographer at the event itself.

Last week of term here and a lot of families are disappearing back to the UK but what with our new early posting date I am hanging on and making the most of the time we have left. It's a funny old thing about the Falklands. For somewhere that perhaps is not immediately or initially appealing (at least in the visual sense), it certainly has the ability to get under one's skin. I think it is the old-fashioned sense of community and the potential for a relaxed pace of life that has done it for me, oh and the wildlife too.

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